The Meaning of Malefic Planets in Astrology

The Ancient Malefics of Astrology You may wonder what malefic means in the context of astrology, as this word tends to be often used by older, more experienced astrologers especially those who tend to predict world events or who interpret the charts of infamous murderers and criminal culprits. The Oxford English dictionary lets me know … More The Meaning of Malefic Planets in Astrology

The Unlimited Performance: Marina Abramovic & her Badass Natal Chart

For Sagittarius season, I thought I would explore the intricate planets, points and aspects in the chart of a daring, Sagittarius Sun pioneer, the Serbian artist Marina Abramovic. Although sticking true to her freedom-loving and boundary-breaking Jupiterian energy, I assume that she would recoil at such categorizations of her personality. Marina just is and she … More The Unlimited Performance: Marina Abramovic & her Badass Natal Chart

Film, Astrology and Unforgettable Feminine Performances

I sometimes create an article which is all about my love of film, and usually of films driven by powerful female performances, often films which are obscure and fall bellow the radar of the blockbusters or usual crowd-pleasers. My natal Venus in Aquarius wouldn’t have it otherwise and I tend to fall in love with … More Film, Astrology and Unforgettable Feminine Performances

Is SZA a Pathological Liar? Exploring Her Birth-Chart

For Scorpio season, I thought I would take a look at SZA’s (Solana Imani Rowe) birth-chart, especially since in recent media stories she is shamed for having lied to her fans. Both Sloan and Fab Socialism, two YouTube accounts I follow, have created videos in which they take apart & with factual evidence the many … More Is SZA a Pathological Liar? Exploring Her Birth-Chart

Passing the Pluto Baton: Britney Spears’ Account of Her Rough Venus-Pluto Transit

I wanted to keep this story for Sagittarius season but it blew up in the collective sooner. It is a personal disclosure of romantic misery which fits well with the spirit of Halloween and with Scorpio season. So Britney Spears released her memoir last week and with it, the collective was made aware of some … More Passing the Pluto Baton: Britney Spears’ Account of Her Rough Venus-Pluto Transit